It is that time of year again: parents rushing to stores for school clothes and supplies, teachers unpacking; setting up; and decorating their classrooms for the incoming students, and administrators steeling themselves for the first chaotic days of school. We have all been there, either as a child; a parent; or both. Yet, just like the education that ensues, perhaps we can all learn a valuable lesson from this.
As we try to plan out the days leading to the upcoming school year, we should plan for other eventualities in our lives. Just as no one says, “gee I didn’t realize school started tomorrow,” no one should approach the later years of their lives pretending that death will never come. We plan for school, for vacations, for weddings, and graduations but only 32 percent of us have wills and only 17 percent of us have preplanned our funerals.

Are you prepared?
These alarming statistics would be akin to parents waking up on the first day of school, handing their kids some money, putting them in clothes they have outgrown, and sending them outside without a backpack hoping they did not miss the bus! This lack of planning would have a devastating impact on our children, just like lack of end-of-life planning has the potential to do.
You are thinking, “there is no correlation at all between the events!” Oh, really? If you die tomorrow will your spouse and your children know your wishes? Will they have a last will and testament as a guidepost and pre-planned arrangements as a final gift, or will they endure the frustration of probate court and trying to arrange things themselves? You would never parade your kids out to the bus stop unprepared for the first day of school; do not leave them unprepared on your last day either.
Learn more at the Before I Die Ohio Festival
If you would like to learn more about end-of-life planning, please visit and attend the Third Annual Before I Die Ohio Festival.