October 25 and 26, 2024 brings your chance to learn about and plan for the end of your life; Before I Die Ohio Festival returns to Dayton for the third year in a row. What is a Before I Die Festival? This event uses humor and a light touch to inform and help prepare attendees for the end-of-life decision we will all have to make. Over two days, Before I Die Ohio focuses on pre-planning, understanding end-of-life resources, and navigating the grief that death brings.

Each day begins with a symposium focused on getting you ready for the end of your life, not so you can hurry up and die, but to allow you to go on living your life with the assurance that you have removed the planning burdens from you family, burdens that too many families face. Statistics show that only thirty-two percent of Americans have a will, the most basic document to protect your family when you die. Furthermore, while 89 percent of Americans feel discussing end-of-life wishes would be meaningful, only 17 percent actually make these arrangements.
Following the symposia you can experience fun and interesting activities focused on taking the fear and mystery out of death. Friday night brings an opportunity to tour historic Woodland Cemetery in Dayton by lantern, and eat some amazing food provided by local food trucks. Saturday, go “behind the curtain” and enjoy a social hour at Routsong Funeral Home where you can see and learn about the functions that take place prior to a funeral. Enjoy food and drink as you tour.
The event grows in popularity each year and we hope you will consider attending one or all the events. Register to attend Before I Die Ohio Today.
See you soon at the Before I Die Ohio Festival!