A rich history
Most of the people in Xenia and the Miami Valley know about Dodds Memorials, because we have been in the area for over 155 years. Many, however, do not know the part that Dodds has played in American memorial history, constructing many notable memorials using granite from the quarries they once owned and operated. Dodds was established in 1864, but in 1911 Dodds organized the Victoria White Granite Company in New Hampshire. Around that time, they also acquired Milford Pink granite quarries in Massachusetts. The acquisition was named “the greatest granite deal of this generation” by one of the leading trade journals. (History of Greene County Ohio, Its People, Industries and Institutions, vol. 2. M.A. Broadstone, editor. B.F.Bowen & Co., Indianapolis. 1918) Over time, Dodds owned and operated three quarries in New England; Victoria White, Milford Pink and Stony Creek.
From Quarry to Memorial
Milford Pink Granite, discovered in 1870, fueled an industry that anchored the Milford economy until about 1940. By 1900, more than 1,000 men were working in the town’s seven major quarries. It was prized as a material for large monuments and was used in several notable structures, such as the Perry Peace Memorial in Ohio. Additionally, the Boston Public Library, the First Division Monument in Washington, D.C. (built to honor the veterans of World War I,) and the original Pennsylvania Station building in New York City were created from Milford Pink Granite.( Milford Historical Society celebrating the pink granite quarries By Mary MacDonald Boston Globe Correspondent, June 12, 2014)
Stoney Creek Granite – the foundation of New York
Stony Creek granite was first quarried in 1858 and makes up a great deal of New York City’s architectural history, from the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty and the walkways of 42nd and 34th Streets, to the prestigious college campus of Columbia University and the West Point Battle Memorial. It has also been integrated into the foundations of many of New York City’s landmarks, such as the Brooklyn Bridge, Grand Central Station, and many of the city’s Parks. (https://stonycreekquarry.com/history/)
These are just some of the amazing structures containing granite from quarries owned by Dodds! Over the next year we will dive into the history of Dodds Memorials, and the most memorable memorials we have helped create! It is quite interesting if we do say so!